Monday 12 December 2011

PICTURE SPECIAL: Toronto Christmas Market

Look, mate, it's not that I've got nothing to write about; I just prefer pictures this month, especially having spent an entire Saturday at one of the world's most extraordinary visual spectacles - the (sort of) world famous Toronto Christmas Market!

Okay, so it's a lot like any other Christmas market - stall after stall of garish knitwear, festive bell ringing piped through a tinny PA and the obligatory enclosure of miserable reindeer - but one subtle distinction makes the TCM unique: free booze. All you have to do is line up for 20 minutes for 30ml of Tyskie, 10 minutes for a miniscule cream liqueur chaser, rinse and repeat. Supplementing one's intake with a $6 cup of mulled wine/hot cider is optional, but either way you're on the road to Buzzville. Eventually.

Other highlights: stopping in at renowned ale pub C'est What on the way home for a pint of "Northumberland" and a pulled pork sandwich; beginning the next day with a Swiss Chalet Festive Special before taking in a 3D screening of Arthur Christmas (actually very good); eventually acquiring and watching Hitchcock classic Dial M For Murder; and making tenuous New Year plans (Perudo, tequila, Doritos).

World's Most Acute Building (TM)

Christmas monster

Spot the error(s)

Taking refuge in a warm corridor of art

Out through the in door

Getting a little worse for wear...

See above

The GO Train: double-decker Metro