The Canadian National Exhibition (CNE), also known as The Ex, is an annual event beginning in August that takes place at Exhibition Place in Toronto, Ontario, Canada during the 18 days leading up to and including Canadian Labour Day Monday. Approximately 5.3 million people visit Exhibition Place each year with 1.3 million visitors attending the CNE alone, making it Canada’s largest fair and the seventh largest fair in North America, "generating more than C$50 million in revenue for the City of Toronto and over C$70 million for the Province of Ontario annually." [1] The first Canadian National Exhibition took place in 1879, largely to promote agriculture and technology in Canada. Agriculturists, engineers and scientists exhibited their discoveries and inventions at the CNE to showcase the work and talent of the nation. As Canada has grown as a nation, the Canadian National Exhibition has also changed over time, reflecting the growth in diversity and innovation. Agriculture and technology remain a large part of the CNE today.
Chicken and chips or chicken on a stick? Hmm... |
"They were good." - Tony |
Before the gold rush |
Beard... come back! |
BMO Field, home of Toronto FC |
This one goes out to Andy Hamer... He knows why. |
Food trucks! (we'd already eaten junk by this point, unfortunately) |